Wednesday, July 17, 2024

What REALLY Happened in Butler PA on July 13, 2024

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it; for he founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters. (Psalm 24:1–2)

The doctrine of God's providence is not acceptable to many, including many Christians. Some object that it robs man of free will and makes God out to be ultimately responsible for evil.  Take former President Trump's brush with death as an example. Some said God intervened and protected his life. He certainly protected his life, but he did not 'intervene.' To see the sparing of his life as 'intervention' is to say he was not really engaged in what was happening until that moment. This would also mean the universe is not controlled by anything but chance and blind forces unless God chooses to "intervene" That is not how the Bible sees the universe or God at all. The differences between these two perspectives are significant. 

The Bible sees everything as being made by God, and governed by God. The earth and everything in it belongs to him. (Ps.24:1) It describes him as completely sovereign, not just when he decides to get involved, but in full and absolute control of everything. He is "ever present" in the world and all that happens. The Heidelberg Catechism says, "The almighty and ever present power of God, by which God upholds, as with his hand, heaven and earth and all creatures, and so rules them that leaf and blade, rain and drought, fruitful and lean years, food and drink, health and sickness, prosperity and poverty—all things, in fact, come to us not by chance but by his fatherly hand."

The Westminster Confession states it this way: "God the great Creator of all things doth uphold, (Heb. 1:3) direct, dispose, and govern all creatures, actions, and things, (Dan. 4:34–35, Ps. 135:6, Acts 17:25–26,28) from the greatest even to the least, (Matt. 10:29–31) by His most wise and holy providence, (Prov. 15:3, Ps. 104:24, Ps. 145:17) according to His infallible foreknowledge, (Acts 15:18, Ps. 94:8–11) and the free and immutable counsel of His own will, (Eph. 1:11) to the praise of the glory of His wisdom, power, justice, goodness, and mercy. (Isa. 63:14, Eph. 3:10, Rom. 9:17, Gen. 45:7, Ps. 145:7)."  (WCF V.1)

To limit God's activity to the sparing of Trump's life misses the big picture described by the reformed confessions. He not only spared Trump, he also ordained the attempt on his life. He ordained that there would be a lapse in security  allowing the shooter to climb on the building (whether intentional or not). He ordained that the shooter would not fall off the roof. He ordained that the roof would not cave in.  He ordained that Trump's ear would be grazed. He also ordained that Corey Comperatore, my brother in Christ would die shielding his family from the bullets. He also ordained that the shooter would not make it to his 21st birthday. All of this was providentially orchestrated by God, not in a mechanical or cold-hearted manner, but for an ultimate good purpose which we cannot fully comprehend.

Still, some find it hard to accept that God would ordain Corey Comperatore to be killed. But David believed "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (Psalm 139:16). He ordains all of our births, the days of our lives and our deaths including whether it will be by means of old age, disease, or tragic event such as this. However, this does not give mankind a free pass. We are still held responsible for our actions. Peter declared to the crowd at Pentecost "This man was handed over to you by God’s set purpose and foreknowledge; and you, with the help of wicked men, put him to death by nailing him to the cross." (Acts 2:23) God ordained that Christ would die on the cross, yet Peter holds them responsible for their wicked actions at the same time. 

While I am thankful Trump was not killed (and grieved that others were) what concerns me is many have missed what really happened. God made a clear statement that he alone rules over the nations, including ours. (Ps. 24) The near miss was not a sign of divine approval, it was a divine warning and reminder of who is really in charge as much as it was a sign of divine mercy. Ultimately it is King Jesus who determines the course of history and outcomes of elections. Indeed, HE sets up kings and deposes them. (Daniel 2:21) He was reminding the world that no leader is outside of his jurisdiction. He was making it abundantly clear that HE is King forever and ever. (Psalm 10:16) . All world leaders and peoples of the nations would do well to humble themselves before the true King and recognize Christ holds their destinies and even all things in his hand. (Col. 1:16-17) 

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