Tuesday, August 28, 2012


As we begin to turn our gaze towards evangelism, I thought this might be helpful for us to reflect on.  This idea shows us the necessity of meeting people who do not know the Lord and building a relationship with them. It shows us the need to get out of our Christian bubble's and to infiltrate the lives of those God wants us to reach. - Pastor Dave

In his Evangelism & The Sovereignty of God (page 81), J.I. Packer tells us of the evangelitic rule of H.C. Trumbull:
'Whenever I am justified in choosing my subject of conversation with another, the theme of themes (Christ) shall have prominence between us, so that I may learn of his need, and, if possible, meet it.'
Packer then comments:
The key words here are: 'whenever I am justified in choosing my subject of conversation with another'. They remind us, first, that personal evangelism, like all our dealings with our fellow-men, should be courteous. And they remind us, second, that personal evangelism needs normally to be founded on friendship. You are not usually justified in choosing the subject of conversation with another till you have already begun to give yourself to him in friendship and established a relationship with him in which he feels that you respect him, and are interested in him, and are treating him as a human being, and not just as some kind of 'case'.
My thoughts:
I find this to be both challenging and clarifying as I think about my own evangelism.  It is challenging because I don't always turn conversations when I would be justified in doing so.
It is clarifying, becuase it gives me a clear sense of what I should be doing with my non-Christian friends and neighbors.  Oftentimes I think about people with whom I have not yet shared Christ and am not sure how to proceed. 
  • But if I have earned the right to choose the subject of conversation (through friendship, service, care, or just a quick providential "connection"), I ought to share the gospel. 
  • If I don't know someone well enough to be justified in choosing the subject of conversation, then I must begin by prayerfully thinking about how to gain that right.  That gives me a practical next step. 

1 comment:

  1. I think it is important to define evangelism. So often people think evangelism means leading people to saving knowledge in Jesus Christ. Certianly, this is the goal of evangelism, but the word evangelism means simply good news. I firmly believe good news may still be spoken even if it does not relate directly to works about Jesus, or even words at all.

    At my place of employment (which deliberately restricts my ability to proselytize), when I provide counsel that is biblical sound I am speaking the good news. I'm even "speaking" the good news when I hold a suffering stranger's hand, and listen empathatically with no agenda for conversation.

    My thoughts.
